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5G General Network Planning and Optimisation - Expert [RA50090-V-23R2]

5G General Network Planning and Optimisation - Expert [RA50090-V-23R2]

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This badge recognizes the completion of '5G RRM and PM Features Delta for NSA and SA deployments [23R2-SR]| RA50090-V-23R2'. Learners have acquired a solid understanding of '5G Radio Planning and Optimisation' within the scope of 'Mobile Radio Planning and Optimisation'. More information about Nokia’s learning portfolio can be found at
Earning Criteria
This badge is granted to learners who have successfully completed Nokia '5G RRM and PM Features Delta for NSA and SA deployments [23R2-SR]| RA50090-V-23R2' - 14.00 hour(s).
Badge ID
About Nokia Badges
Nokia Badges are awarded by Nokia to customers and employees who complete specific learning programs, certifications or are members of a Nokia community. We encourage badge holders to share their achievements and badges on social networks; badges comply to the Openbadge standard.